Quarandreams Diary #2: Existential Ice Cream

“I guess ice cream is one of those things that are beyond imagination." — L.M. Montgomery

The past three nights have been characterised by recurring dreams about deeply existential ice creams and their rather tiresome penchant for disappearing/being stolen/snapping in half and/or melting. Not only that, but they have been coming in slightly unorthodox flavours…

In the first dream, I was in a sweets shop, and in the shop was an ice cream stall. I looked down to choose a flavour and saw that these were no ordinary flavours. The ones that caught my attention were a deep black one the flavour of “death”, a pastel multi-coloured one the flavour of “the smells of summer”, and a “light” flavoured one… I opted for “smells of summer”, it looked most refreshing. However, it immediately snapped in half and I remember thinking that I should have gone for “death” instead… I then left both halves somewhere around the shop, only to remember them a few moments later. I was unable to find them and panicked over the fact that they’re probably melting all over some books but I couldn’t see where.

In the second dream, I walked into a shrunken Jannettas Gelateria with a much-reduced menu of flavours. I decided to go for all of them and go for the longest and narrowest cone in existence (it was apparently a record-breaking cone). They told me, however, that because I had too many scoops they would have to put it all in a box along with the longest and narrowest spiral of whipped cream ever to have been seen…I remember thinking it was a miracle that she even got all that whipped cream to stay upright inside of the box. I then proceeded to leave my ice cream in a BUSH, it MELTED, and then someone stole the melted box…


I’ve been told when dreams become recurring, you should pay attention. If anyone could kindly interpret what recurring dreams about weird and wonderful marvels of ice cream flavours and feats of size would mean… I would be grateful to you. I am fully expecting yet another ice cream adventure tonight. Dreams of the recurring nature apparently tend to resurface until you sort out whatever psychological problem is plaguing you at the root of the dream. So maybe I need to go out and get some ice cream? You tell me.

If you’ve also been having strange quarandreams, I would love to find out in the comments below!

Stay inspired.


The Machine Stops: ‘men made it, do not forget that’


You my friend are lonely… a lament.