Quarandreams Diary #1: The Peaches of Immortality
Dreams Gabriela Milkova Dreams Gabriela Milkova

Quarandreams Diary #1: The Peaches of Immortality

Recently, I’ve been reading about a rise in #quarandreams (extremely vivid and stranger than usual dreams occurring during quarantine). I’ve been having many myself, and that’s saying something because I’m a VERY vivid dreamer as it is. Tune in here to read about last night's magic golden garden, the peaches of immortality, and dream deja vu (because that’s a thing).

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‘The growing terror of nothing to think about’
Inspiration Gabriela Milkova Inspiration Gabriela Milkova

‘The growing terror of nothing to think about’

‘you see behind every face the mental emptiness deepen / Leaving only the growing terror of nothing to think about’ (III.20-21). The answer to this dread of monotony is perhaps then to ‘be still’, to allow monotony for some time, for ‘there is yet faith, / But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.’

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On Epilogues (for St Andrews)
Inspiration Gabriela Milkova Inspiration Gabriela Milkova

On Epilogues (for St Andrews)

I have always said that St Andrews was at the edge of the world. Here, time lags, and seems to draw out the sun each morning and night to more colours and directions than you thought possible, as though stretching for time…

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Quarantina - 40 days
Inspiration Gabriela Milkova Inspiration Gabriela Milkova

Quarantina - 40 days

It’s interesting to me that during this time of Lent, we’ve all been constricted to quarantine, a word whose origins come from quarantina, Italian for “forty days”.

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