At Heaven’s Gates (for Dad)
“At Heaven’s Gates”
Thrown into this wild womb of nature
We gave nor fair nor fire only to trust right
That the Maker make us words and give
His ark’s materials for more worlds yet.
Into this wild, stood the Friend.
You looked awhile.
Pondering your voyage,
For only this narrowed estuary
Had you now to cross
To see the light of Heaven’s gates.
Happy Birthday dad.
It was my dad’s birthday a couple of days ago, and my mom and I bought him this painting by Nikola Pijanmanov, “At Heaven’s Gates”.
Nikola Pijanmanov, “At Heaven’s Gates”.
On the back of it, Pijanmanov inscribed the poem that I had written inspired by this painting.
You can read the poem above; it was written while pondering this stunning piece of artwork, reading “Paradise Lost”, and reflecting on hope.
Stay inspired.